Liberty Swing

Variety Liberty Swing Program

“On Saturday and Sunday just gone, my daughter spent a total of 9 hours swinging on the Liberty Swing in Albert Park. I would like to thank you for giving her the opportunity to experience the joy of swinging. Her face was a picture, and she drew much attention from the passers by with her squeals of delight. Needless to say, she didn’t want to go home and I wondder if you could tell me the best way to get a swing for the Frankston area.”

By Dolores Scally - Victoria, Australia



Variety, The Children’s Charity is dedicated to improving the quality of life for children with special needs in Australia and throughout the world. Variety in Australia initiated the Variety Liberty Swing Program in 2004, followed soon after by Variety New Zealand. In recent years, the Program was championed in Ireland by the late Kevin Wall of the Variety Club of Ireland.

This Program aims to provide every community with at least one Liberty Swing in a major park or playground, so that all children get a chance to have a ‘swing in the park’.

Variety Victoria was the first ‘tent’ to pioneer the Liberty Swing for Variety.

“A normal part of growing up is to be able to go on the swings. When we first saw it….there was a queue for the kids to get on of no less than 30 all the time. We knew that we had to put one in for the kids of Melbourne.” Norm Hutton, Former Executive Director, Variety Victoria. Tony Hasham, former National Chairman of Variety Australia, and instigator of the national program said at the time, “The swing will bring laughter and exhilaration to thousands of Australian children who use wheelchairs, who have never experienced such a simple joy. To witness the smile on a child’s face who is enjoying his or her first swing, is a very emotional and unforgettable experience.”

The Variety Liberty Swing Program offers excellent opportunities to corporate and private philanthropists to be involved in something very special for your community.

To enquire about the Variety Liberty Swing Program, contact Variety in your region.


Please contact the Variety office in your state for hire of the portable Liberty Swing.